We spent our Friday night climbing indoors in the city, and I loved every minute (even when I had to sit through the safety lessons). Climbing is one of my favourite things to do, and I plan to do a lot more of in 2012. All the time off means my hand strength is non-existent, but you have to start somewhere. I only did three routes before I was done (13,12,13).
Saturday I spent the morning in pump (with the Aussie and the SIL). The Aussie has gone to it a few times, but this was his first time in Oz doing it. He pushed through like a champion. We *may* have napped after pump (an earned nap, right?). It was only 20mins but it was glorious. In the afternoon I watched the Aussie and his brother play some cricket. It was a 20/20, which means SHORT (woot, woot).
Teeny, tiny cricketers ;)

After a thrilling cricket game (seriously can cricket ever be thrilling?), we went for some food (Thai), including dessert (chocolate shop) (definitely the highlight of the day).
Today we slept until 11 (so wonderful), went for a walk around the lake, and then I went to the gym and the Aussie hit some golf balls. When I got home from the gym I went on a cooking spree--protein balls, bean burgers, broc and rice dish, and choc pudding (made from avocado).
The protein balls need to be re-created. I used 1 sm banana, 1/4 cup of applesauce, 1 tablespoon of maple syrup, 1/4 cup crushed almonds, 1/4 cup peanut butter, 1/4 cup raisins, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 cup oat flour and some oats. I mashed everything together and then rolled them into balls.

The burgers are dry ... really, really dry, so that recipe will not be shared.
My meals lately have looked like this ...

Um, I like veg nuggets (in case you couldn't tell), but I do want to start limiting the fake meat.
Can I say I'm ready for Friday before it's even Monday?
Off to zzz,