I affectionately refer to him as the Aussie. He captivated my heart four years ago while living in DC, and life has never been the same. Nine months after we began
After I graduated from law school in 2010 and
It was time to officially begin our life together, and since I adore his family the choice was easy. Goodbye America, Hello Australia. One crazy roadtrip from the East Coast to Vegas to drop off some stuff & see my family then we boarded a plane with as much as we could stuff into our 4 checked bags and 2 carry-on bags (Thanks United for letting us cram so much).
Now it's time to find a j-o-b utilizing that expensive degree (Hi, Australian Employers I'm fabulous, so please hire me. Thanks!). I haven't found my blogging "voice" yet, so the blog will be a bit of everything--adventures with the Aussie, recipes, workouts, and so on. I hope you enjoy the reading :)
ps I CANNOT forget one very important detail of my life. I *must* talk to my best friend about everything at all times. We met in college and since then we have rarely lived in the same state, usually not the same coast either, but through the years we have created fabulous memories and had endless conversations. I love her and not having her here in Australia is the biggest downfall of the move.
She's fun, loyal, giving, and she'll help you lose weight to boot (InspireMeHealthy.com).