In case you need something to drool over . . .
My day has also included . . .
Sadly, it didn't include enough of the above. I have to hit the books HARD till Wednesday!
I also took an amazing walk today. It was just the loop near my condo, but it was so lovely to just smell Spring. Being outside in the nice weather is so relaxing. I plan to do the loop every morning while studying for the bar.
In life we often feel as though we aren't good enough--not smart enough, thin enough, strong enough, rich enough--but on a quiet walk we can just BE. It's great to push yourself to the next level, but make sure you're enjoying the ride to the top too. I know I'm very guilty of focusing on where I want to be, and not on how far I've come. So today celebrate all your hard work :) You deserve it!
Off to work on Family law,