I actually don't know what a bee sting feels like, but from what I've heard it hurts and that's how I feel about this paper. But I must push through, so I can have a fun-filled weekend (I have a baby shower to go to and a party at my Coach's house). I would love to post pictures of all the great things I've been doing and eating, but I've been trapped in a windowless basement in the school library :( and I've been too embarrassed to take food pictures at school ;) So, I decided to do the next best thing and re-live my time in Boston (the Aussie & I will be heading up that way in October for a wedding, and you better believe that I will be hunting down more delish food). On our last stay we went here . . .

This is an amazing raw restaurant that blew my mind! We started off with fancy drinks (choc hemp milk & strawberry lemonade that was to die for).

Then we ordered the Vietnamese soup, which was spicy and delish

We shared the sliders and the gnocchi (the gnocchi was the best!!!)

And then sinfully delish & super healthy raw dessert . . . strawberry ice cream (this is when I fell in love with raw ice cream) and a super soft yet chewy cookie sandwich with a side of coconut milk.

I'm off to write & dream of raw treats :)
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