Rewind . . . Monday morning we opted to snooze over gyming-it-up, so we did an evening session. I *finally* made it back to a bodypump class, and my muscles have been crying ever since. Bodypump pushes me more than I would push myself, especially with lifting.
Being a good housewife I had dinner ready for us after the gym, if ready could be described as take-out :) muahaha. We tried a new-to-us place called Vegout. Brown rice & pumpkin curry with two forks. I meant to take a picture of the food, but all I got was this . . .
My belly beat the camera. But I will have you know it was finger-licking good.
Back to the this morning, early wake-up call at 5:30am! Finally leave at a few minutes to 6. I wasn't feeling a run today, but that's exactly what I did :) I'm doing the walk/run method at the moment. Mentally it helps me do a better workout. I walked for a 1k, ran for 1.5k (9ish mins), walked for .5k, ran for 1.5k (9ish mins), walked for .5k, ran for 1k (6ish mins). I'm pretty proud of running for 24ish mins. This was only my 3rd run, and the 2 last week I only did 1k of running at a time.
After the gym, I headed to the store where I scooped up still-hot bread (OMG! so tasty) and grapes. Does anyone else turn grapes from this . . .
Into this . . .
Time for me to attempt a wifely duty I have never ever done.
Wish me luck :) or better yet wish Gabe's work shirts luck, because they're the ones that should be scared.
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