Pre-Hudson I searched YouTube videos on a day in the life with a newborn to try to get an idea of what life with a baby would entail (my experience with newborns was nonexistent). Now that I'm on the otherside of things with a mere two weeks of experience, I thought I would share what my days are looking like with a lil fellow.
2:00 am - time for the first feeding of the day. I hear Hudson stir, and think there is nothing worse than getting out of a warm bed in the middle of the night. I quickly throw on my sweat pants and a button down sweater over my maternity tank (trust me it's super sexy). Then I go turn on the nursery lamp, the back room light, grab a drink of water, and go to the bathroom. I grab Hudson from the bassinet in our bedroom and take him to the nursery to change his diaper and strip him down to his tank top to nurse. We head to the living room and assume our go to position on the boppy. He nurses and I check Instagram and stare at his adorable face. He finishes and I burp him. We go back to the nursery to get his onesie back on and to swaddle him. Then back for more boob time. If it's a good night, he'll go to sleep after nursing. If not, I'll spend time walking him around the house and chatting to him until he passes out. He's done nursing at 2:40 am and it's a good night so we head back to bed.
4:30 am - back on the boob and I repeat the same routine - lights on, diaper change, strip down, one boob, dress and swaddle, and more boob time. He finishes nursing at 5am.
7:00 am - another feeding. He finishes at 7:30 am. We both go back to bed.
9:00 am - back on the boob. He finishes at 9:30 am.
10:00 am - Hudson cover us both in vomit, which is different from spit-up. It flies out of him and goes down my tank top and all over him. Time for an outfit change for both of us. Then he naps on me while I watch TV.
12:00 pm - lunch time for the little guy. Then I get him rugged up, so we can head out. He refuses to give me a good picture.
1:00 pm - We're heading to our first Mothers' Group meet-up, so I give him a little top up before we go in the hopes that he can wait to eat again until we get home.
This is our first adventure outside by ourselves and it's Hudson's first time going in the BabyBjorne. He loves it and passes out right away.
2:00 pm - I get to the meet-up and we stay until 4pm. Hudson is the only boy in the group. The girls all seem nice, and it's lovely to be around women going through the same thing.
4:00 pm - I haven't had lunch yet, so I stop by the supermarket to pick-up some supplies. Walking home I decide that picking up veggie broth wasn't the best idea (those containers are heavy when you're already lugging a baby and diaper bag)
4:30 pm - I shove some food down my throat and quickly get him ready for another feed.
5:00 pm - another feed, but he's distracted and this one doesn't end until 6 pm.
6:00 pm - I hear him do a huge fart that I know resulted in a massive pooh, and I hope the Hubs gets home soon enough to change him. Luckily he does. He's really great, and doesn't even mind that he's on poop duty the moment he walks in the door.
6:30 pm - Dad gives Hudson a bath, which he enjoys. He smells like vanilla and tangerine, which I love. I jump in the shower. Showers are so much more enjoyable after you have a baby. It feels like heaven.
6:45 pm - Hudson is playing with dad and does another projectile vomit that makes dad scream. Both boys are covered, so back in the tub for Hudson quickly followed by another wardrobe change. I start dinner. Tonight is roasted eggplant and asparagus served over pasta and spinach.
7:00 pm - a short feed to hopefully help his tummy feel better.
7:30 pm - dinner time for the adults and a bit of relaxing while Hudson sleeps on his Dad's chest.
9:00 pm - time for bed. Hudson has been sleeping since 7:30, so I'm not sure how much sleep I'll get before the next feed.
11:00 pm - Hudson is ready for another boob session.
2:30 am - another day begins!
As you can see my days are taken over with feedings and diaper changes, and in between I often don't feel like doing much else. I still need to establish a routine. The house is always a mess and I constantly feel like I'm behind in what I want to accomplish, but I'm giving myself a bit of a break since Hudson and I are still new at this mommy/baby thing.
Right now I'm trying to enjoy all the precious moments between the puking and pooping, because I know they will pass quickly (although at 2 in the morning time passes slowly!). I feel really lucky that I'm able to breastfeed, because it really is an amazing bonding experience, even though it also means I'm solely responsible for feeding Hudson for the time being.
Parenthood is exhausting and wonderful, and I look forward to watching Hudson grow and learn.
Off to wash the mountain of dishes from last night,
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