
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Alexander - 2 months


Weight: 14 pounds

Height: 61 centimeters

His likes/dislikes:

He loves it when you tickle his mouth, and loves going for walks (whether that be in the pram or in dad’s arms walking around the house)
He still dislikes getting a bath.

His typical day:

His routine is still not set yet, but the boy loves to sleep (and I love him for it!). We’ve been getting solid 7-9 hours for a few weeks now and most days he has a big nap (although some days he just catnaps). The other day he catnapped in the morning, napped from 2-6pm, slept from 8:30-6:30, woke up for a feed then back to bed until 9:30. It was amazing!
He’s an incredibly happy baby who rarely cries. We spend a lot of time in the pram walking around town and checking out the park.
He’s having both sides now for most of his feeds. I’m doing on demand so he gets it whenever he wants. Sometimes he cluster feeds in the early evenings.

His adventures:

We tried a bottle for the first time (6wks) and it didn’t go well. It’s winter so we haven’t gotten up to much – lots of walks, café visits, couch cuddles. Looking forward to warmer weather! His neck is super strong and he's a pro at tummy time (at least for a few minutes at a time).

Thoughts on the last month: 
I am falling more in love each day. I never understood when parents said they love their kids for different reasons, but it makes sense now. Alexander is so different from Hudson already. Alexander is our happy baby and Hudson is our sweet and sensitive one. And both are so incredibly great – we’re very blessed.
We are still trying out different nicknames for Alexander. We don’t like Alex, and mostly call him Alexander but we’re also trying out Xander or AJ. Time will tell which will stick ;)

Off to bed at 9:15 on a Saturday (party animal!),

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