Weight - 10 pounds
Height - 58 cm
Her likes haven't changed - loves baths, sleeping, the babybjorne and the pram. She goes to sleep so easily and we often refer to her as the angel baby (who knows if it will stay that way but we're enjoying it at the moment).
She does not like it when you pick her nose (fair enough! But sometimes it's a necessity).
Restrictions have started to ease so we are spending days at the playground. Hudson is back at school (after 6 weeks of homeschooling) so we are getting into a new routine. She is still feeding mostly every 3 hours with a few longer stretches - she has gone 7 hours overnight once and a few 5 or 6 hours. She is still taking mostly one boob but having more 10 minute or over feedings.
I am writing this when she's 10 weeks old and is just now starting to fit into some of her 000 clothes, and she got some hand me downs from Gabe's brother and cousin which was lovely. I am refraining from buying clothes for a bit.
About me
I feel great which is due to the sleeping being okay. I haven't started exercising but hope to soon. I have been getting headaches which I read could be from breastfeeding. I usually only get one or two a year but the past few weeks I have been having them almost daily.
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