If you're in need of a sexy pair of stems that are animal-friendly then Madden Girl has you covered. They have adorable, affortable, vegan shoes! After a bad experience of shoe shopping yesterday (Shoe Companies S-T-O-P making your sizes bigger. I have been a size 6 forever, and I don't appreciate how every 6 I try on now seems to really be a 6.5 in disguise. Please don't make me start shopping in the kids section!!!). Today I was determined to find a cute pair of black heels, and thankfully Madden Girl was there with her cushion sole and snug fit.
In other news, inspired by Fitnessista's protein post I decided to finally tear open the single serving packet of VEGA protein that has been on my counter for far too long.

The berry flavored packet went into this . . .

To make this . . .

Don't let the traditional green color fool you. That berry flavor packs a punch. It's a bit too overpowering for me, and I only used 1/2 the packet! But it's full of goodness and doesn't taste too bad, so I would buy it again.
Back to the Grind,
those shoes are ADORABLE. gimme, gimme. ;) i wanna try that protein powder... but i have HUGE tubs of all the whey i gotta get through!