
Thursday, April 23, 2020

One month - Juliana

Weight - 8 pounds 8 ounces

Height - 53 cm


She loves to lay on your chest and enjoys her egopouches for nighttime sleeping. She likes baths but we don't do it too often. She is still spending lots of hours sleeping but now has longer awake times. She enjoys walks in the babybjorne or the pram.


She dislikes waiting more than a second to eat after she says she's hungry but otherwise is a content baby who only cries when she's hungry or needs a nappy change.


It's been a strange start to maternity leave with the COVID-19 lockdown. We can't go to cafes, playgrounds, see friends, or do much aside from some daily walks and lots of couch cuddles. I started homeschooling Hudson last week since schools have been shutdown (except for kids of parents who are not able to work from home). I also have Xander out of daycare so that means it's me and three kiddos day in and day out. I do love spending so much time with them but we are all going a bit stir crazy.

I reread Xander's one month update and little Jules is a lot like her older brother - sleep is going well (restless between 8-11pm with lots of cluster feeding, mostly 3 hr stretches at night, wakes for the day around 10am), she's settled into the family seamlessly, the boys are being great big brothers (who always want to hold her), she's eating 8-10 times a day and mostly taking one boob (5-10 mins but sometimes 15).

About me

The recovery from the birth went really well - only mildly painful in the hospital when they pushed on my uterus and a bit sore for a day or two after; I lost the baby weight within the week but only gained around 15 pounds (but I am still carrying around the weight I gained with Hudson!!!); I had light bleeding but did bleed off and on for three weeks; no pain peeing and felt very normal right away. Looking forward to building up my strength and endurance. I started walking around day 4 and tried the elliptical in week 2 but then had pains so have not resumed.

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