As time goes on I find myself more attracted to whole foods, as opposed to vegan meat replacements, but I was intrigued by the Gardein buffalo wings. I remember many college nights spent with my roomie at Applebees for the 1/2 price appetizers--boneless buffalo wings were devoured. I had heard mixed reviews, so I did not go in with overly high expectations. The sauce was great with a strong kick of heat, but the "wings" were a weird texture. I wish they were crunchy like their chicken-free nuggets. They weren't too bad on a sandwich though.

No sandwich is complete without a pile, err mountain, of sweet potato fries.

I tracked down a choc chip cookie larabar, and had high expectations. Cookie dough and I have a passionate love affair. Sadly, the larabar version and I do not. It tasted okay, but definitely not life changing.

Off to be productive. Who am I kidding, off to make love to a pineapple/raspberry smoothie. Muahahaha
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