
Monday, March 30, 2020

Juliana's Birth Story

After having Xander at home we were worried that another home delivery may not go as smooth as the first and it was scary to think that we would be far from the hospital. I spoke to my GP and the hospital's one and everyone was supportive of a scheduled induction with a date to be confirmed at the 38 check-up. Sunday, 15 March I was worried that my water broke. I didn't hear a pop like with Xander but it seemed like fluid was coming out and it wasn't pee. We decided to go to the hospital on Monday to have it checked and I also wasn't feeling the baby as much. Five hours later (lots of time in the waiting room!) I find out that it was just pee and Baby J was doing really well. Tuesday was the 38 check-up and I had a high blood pressure reading so I had to stay for another 4 hours to get it monitored. I ended up going in on Friday too with both kids to get her checked again because I wasn't feeling her move. With the corona virus they said no kids were allowed in the hospital so I called Gabe to collect the boys. Another 6 hours (mostly in the waiting room) to find out that she was great. It was a relief to know she was good. The induction was scheduled for Sunday, 22 March, so on Saturday Chelsea came over to stay the night and watch the boys. Sunday morning I called to see how they were going and they said it was unlikely that I would be induced in the next few hours but still come down to get the baby checked. We spent two hours at the hospital getting the baby checked and then sent home with instructions that they would call us to let us know and it would either be later that day or Monday. I called at 8pm and there were still no beds so I was told to come in on Monday morning.

At 11:55pm I was laying in bed and I heard the telltale 'pop' of the waters breaking and my eyes bulged out of my head and I thought "OMG it's happening again like last time". I didn't move for a few minutes because I was freaking out mentally but when I stood up a gush came out and I knew for certain that my waters had broke. I hadn't had any contractions yet but I called the maternity assessment and they said to come it. Then we called 000. I felt weird calling but we didn't know how fast she would come and I definitely didn't want to deliver her in the middle of the night on the side of road. Gabe called Chelsea to give her an update and said he would call her back to discuss the next step (luckily she just hopped into her car). When the ambulance arrived I walked outside like I was catching a taxi and hopped in. I could tell the paramedics thought I was going overboard to call but they were nice about it. Gabe called when I was heading to the hospital to make sure we were going to Sunshine. I had some tightening in the ambulance but nothing painful. We joked about it coming fast and having to pull over. I didn't move at all and kept my legs closed! When we arrived at the hospital we couldn't get up the elevator and I had a proper contraction, and I thought 'Oh no I'm going to deliver in the elevator'. I made it up to level 3 and they said they would assess me and then decide if I was going to the birthing suite (I don't think they really appreciated how fast the delivery could be). I had another contraction when I was being assessed. I was gutted to hear that I was only 4 cms (when I was checked at the 38 week appointment I was 3cm so I hadn't really progressed at all). But they decided to take me to the birthing suite. I got in there at about 1:20 and Gabe arrived a few minutes later. I had a painful contraction and then another, and asked for gas. I had the gas but it didn't really do anything so after a few more contractions I asked for an epidural because I was thinking that I had hours of labour ahead of me. They needed to take some blood and do some testing so said it would be 15-30 mins before I could get the epidural. A few contractions later little Juliana Isabel was born at 1:53 am weighing 3.065kg (6lbs 12 ounces) and 47 cm (18.5inches). We stayed in the hospital until 9:30am.

The recovery has been so easy this time. I didn't have any stitches and I've had minimal bleeding. I had some painful after birth contractions when the baby was feeding the first two days, but otherwise it's been great. Juliana has been a good feeder and on day 8 she's surpassed her birth weight (3.08kg). She has been sleeping well so far (save for Tuesday night when she wouldn't go in the bassinet and didn't get to sleep until 5:30 am when we put her in bed with us). She wakes around midght, 3 or 4 am and 8am lately.

The boys are smitten and always want to hold her and cuddle her. It's lovely to see and they don't seem to be jealous.

We are so incredibly happy that Juliana is here and healthy!

Off to make a cuppa before Jules wakes up,


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